James Traub

Executive Coach

James Traub - Executive CoachWith over 15 years of experience in quality assurance and management, James now dedicates his skills to coaching leaders on improving self-awareness, communication, and relationships. His background in leadership positions enables him to intimately understand the challenges leaders face and provide practical, compassionate support.

James partners with clients to unlock their potential so they can thrive in leadership roles and in life. His approach is to create a safe, judgment-free space where all can explore mindset shifts and behavioral changes together. Self-awareness is the foundation for positive change, so he helps clients increase awareness of their strengths, growth areas, values, and motivations. From there, he helps to set meaningful goals and start implementing small steps towards those goals.

Communication skills are essential for great leadership, so he teaches clients how to listen deeply, speak authentically and handle difficult conversations with empathy. He also guide clients on building trust, resolving conflicts, and creating psychologically safe environments on their teams.

With compassion and care, James support clients in becoming the best leaders they can be – not just professionally, but holistically across all aspects of life. His ultimate goal is to help leaders gain confidence, clarity and feel equipped to lead with purpose.